Volunteers from the Belgian chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World raise awareness of the drug problem in their country.
Leuven, Belgium, August 4, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Belgium is a major hub for distribution of Colombian cocaine into Europe, with 3 tons seized in the port of Antwerp so far this year. And according to the Eurotox Global Drug Survey 2016, Belgians have reached a level of alcohol and drug use well above the world average, which the Federal Expertise Healthcare Centre sees as a serious health problem.
To make headway in reversing this, volunteers from the Belgian chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World are enlisting the help of local merchants to reach their customers with the truth about drugs—before the dealers do.
On a recent weekend, they handed out sets of The Truth About Drugs booklets to shop owners in the historic Flemish city of Leuven, famous for its renowned university. Their objective: to reach students and the general public with factual information on what drugs are and what they do, so they can make informed decisions to live drug-free.
Local merchants, witnessing the ravages of drug use among their customers, were eager to help them in their campaign and displayed sets of the booklets prominently on shop counters.
The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that partners with civic and nongovernmental organizations including more than 1,200 police departments in the United States. Through its worldwide network of volunteers and partnerships, it has distributed 6.7 million copies of The Truth About Drugs booklets over the past year—more than 79 million copies since the booklets were first published in 2006.
Source: Foundation for a Drug-Free World