Foundation for a Drug-Free World invited to South Africa SEFSA Leaders Summit. Drug prevention is an essential factor in a strong future for the country.
Johannesburg, South Africa, March 21, 2016 (Newswire.com) - When Executive Director of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World South Africa Carmen Margro heard of the 2-day Inaugural SEFSA (Socio-Economic Future of South Africa) Leaders Summit to be held in Johannesburg March 11 -12 she decided she had to ensure the work of the Foundation was represented in the program. It seems Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, who called the summit, agreed: He sent her an invitation to attend as one of the 150 most influential leaders of the country.
Archbishop Makgoba called these leaders together to address practical solutions to the deepening socio-economic crisis facing the nation.
The purpose of the SEFA initiative was to create a safe and conducive platform for constructive dialogue and consensus-building, with particular reference to what is needed to secure the socio-economic future of South Africa. The SEFSA initiative is faith-based and civil society-driven, based on the growing consensus that the country needs a renewed level of faith and optimism to build a better future.
The Foundation’s presence in the summit was vital: Drug addiction takes its toll on the economy and so much of South Africa’s crime is drug-related. The drug epidemic impacts every aspect of the social spectrum.
Over the past two years, Drug-Free World Africa volunteers have distributed 500,000 The Truth About Drugs booklets, delivered more than 700 lectures and events and built a network of 34 drug education teams in South Africa. They also reach more than 100,000 people with their drug prevention message through social media each month.
Source: Foundation for a Drug-Free World